Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sergio Pablos "Dr. Doppler" Pencil Tests

Some wonderful animation by master animator Sergio Pablos of the character "Dr. Doppler" from Disney's "Treasure Planet".

(See the interview with Sergio on The Character Design Blog .)

Here are some of the same scenes , but in different form (note that one of the scenes is in much rougher form , so it's interesting to see how he roughed it out first , then tied it down more at a later point) .


  1. I always love seeing these pencil tests. The acting is incredible.

    Thank you for posting its always inspiring.

  2. In watching these tests again I noticed that Dr. Doppler says "dang it" in the final version instead of "damn it" as he did in the test. I just thought it was funny as to what can and can't be said.

  3. That is interesting that someone got cold feet and had them over-dub the "damn it" . The film was trying to be an "edgier" PG sort of movie , so it's kind of odd that someone got nervous about that sort of mild expletive (especially since it's a little spoof of a well-known line from another famous sci-fi Doctor) .

  4. Sergio Pablos did a great job with Doppler (and Tantor)..I've heard a great deal about him and now see why. Thanks for these pencil tests they are great to watch and study! It would be great to see more and more clean up drawings. That's a great ruff and cu comparison you had of Pumbaa, keep up the great work:-)

